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To Our Valued Patients:
To ensure a safe environment for our patients and staff amid the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have updated our patient policies.
We routinely use:
- Disinfectant hand soap and provide same in the patient and staff bathrooms.
- Disposable gloves and face masks.
We utilize chemical disinfectants on counter tops, operatory chairs, units and cuspidors, in addition to its use in common areas, Reception Room, Front Desk and Bathrooms. Furthermore, we routinely steam clean our tiled operatory floors.
Our operatory surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a surface disinfectant between patients. Our instruments are placed into an ultrasonic unit and are then rinsed, individually bagged and placed in our state of the art autoclave for their sterilization. Our autoclave is independently tested routinely, to ensure optimum operational effectiveness.
The 2019-nCoV, Coronavirus has been found to be vulnerable to oxidation. A pre-procedural mouth rinse containing oxidative agents, such as hydrogen peroxide is recommended for the purpose of reducing the salivary load of oral microbes, including potential 2019-nCoV carriage. A pre-procedural mouth rinse would therefore be most useful.
Prior to your treatment(s) you will be given...
- A 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide mixed with two parts water
- Please gargle, swish the solution all around the mouth, tilt the head back and continue gargling for 30 seconds. Spit the solution into the cuspidor.
Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation during this difficult time. Your physical and dental health has always been of utmost importance to us and remains a top priority, especially during this viral pandemic.
For more information please visit: www.cdc.gov
Thank You,
Island East Dental Group